The watch-making industry is among the most traditional and perfectionist. The parts used in the complex mechanics of watches and clocks in particular, require a high level of precision and finish.
We develop textured and machined movements and components for our customers, guaranteeing a precision of the order of microns in positioning and with a surface finish of 0.05 µm.
Micromechanics applied to components for the watch-making and jewellery industry
The micromechanics techniques employed by Mecasoft for the luxury industries apply in particular to:
- micro-machining of small and medium gears, wheels, cams, flanges, cases, pushbuttons and springs for clocks and watches,
- prototyping, texturing and manufacturing of cases, fasteners, oscillating masses, racks, tang buckles and watch dials.
Are you seeking a partner for the design and production of your high precision components?
Shaping parts for the manufacture of luxury products
Our knowhow is applied both to the mechanical and aesthetic appearance of luxury products in the watch-making and jewellery domain.
Mecasoft is able to machine all the metals commonly used in this domain. Our efficient, high precision machines guarantee you meticulous machining of precious metals with minimum wastage of material.
Our design office guarantees you a finished product meeting your expectations, after a prior study of the part to be machined culminating with a quality inspection